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Getting your RTI Group Organized

My school district takes RTI very seriously. If you do not know what RTI is or do not implement it in your school, here's a little bit about it:

RTI stands for: Response to Intervention

Students are broken up into three tiers: Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3

Tier 3 is your super low babies or "Intensive".

Tier 2 is your medium or "Strategic".

Tier 1 are students who perform well in the regular classroom.

Tier 3 are the students who are very behind. I think of my intensive kiddos and they are really behind. A lot of the things that I do with them are first grade skills to try to catch them up.

In my school district, we have a set aside 30 minutes a day for "RTI" time. During those 30 minutes, I have a separate set of lesson plans for what I am going to do with those kiddos. It takes a whole lot of planning and must be just as organized as regular lessons because those 30 minutes are crucial. Our district uses the DIBELS test to place our students into thier tiers. Our RTI is strictly for reading so that is what we focus on (you can do it for math as well).

In order to stay organized and make sure my plans and lessons are well thought out, I created this RTI binder. It is simple and is not a whole lot of fluff. I keep all my RTI materials and my student data in an RTI binder, so when it is time for RTI, I just get my binder out and all of my materials are there!

I hope you can use this in your classroom if you do RTI with your students. It is a great way to get and stay organized! Click here to buy my RTI binder or click on the picture above!

If you have any questions about RTI feel free to email me:

Meet the Teacher

I'm a coffee drinking, football loving, Starbucks obsessed 2nd grade teacher! I have an amazing husband and a beautiful daughter! I am so excited you are joining me on my fun, crazy ride as a teacher!

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