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Spelling Baseball

Can I just say that I am sooooo tired of playing SPARKLE to review spelling words. I have been playing sparkle since I was in school! After I got to thinking about SPARKLE, I was thinking of how hard that must be for my students who have ADHD and for 2nd graders in general. It is a big task for students to remember every single letter each student has said. I also couldn't really tell who wasn't paying attention or who really didn't know how to spell the Spelling Baseball was born!

Spelling baseball is played just like regular baseball. At the Dollar Tree they have foam bases and a foam ball guessed it A DOLLAR! I picked them up over the summer with no idea how I was going to use them.

We just got finished read Luke Goes to Bat and it gave me the idea to bring them out and do something with them and out came Spelling Baseball!

Here how to play:

1. Place the bases around your room! (we moved our desks to the side of the room)

2. Split your class into two teams.

3. One team comes up to bat, while the other is on the sidelines.

4. One player from the team comes to home plate. Throw them the ball and call out a spelling word.

5. The "batter" must spell the word correctly to go to first base. If they spell it incorrectly, that is a strike for their team. As the batters come up and spell, the players advance around the bases. Each time a player gets to home, they get a point for their team. Once the team gets three strikes, they switch teams.

Simple as that! You can use this with any content. Happy Spelling!

Meet the Teacher

I'm a coffee drinking, football loving, Starbucks obsessed 2nd grade teacher! I have an amazing husband and a beautiful daughter! I am so excited you are joining me on my fun, crazy ride as a teacher!

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