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Dear Teacher With an Empty Desk During Teacher Appreciation Week...

Oh happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Gifts and food galore!!!...for some of us! A teacher brought to my attention gifts or lack there of that her student's had brought her during Teacher Appreciation Week and it got me thinking, she is not the only one. So here is my letter to all of you....

Dear Teacher With an Empty Desk During Teacher Appreciation Week,

You know that teacher? You know the one you look in their room and it looked like the present fairy vomited in their room. The one who needs two hands, a cart, and and another person to carry out all her lout from the week. The one who is walking down the hall with this grin on her face because well let's face it, she hit the Teacher Appreciation Jackpot. Then there's you, the one with handmade cards, used items and maybe nothing at all.

I have been on both ends of this. I have been the teacher with the desk and table over flowing with elaborate gifts, way too much money in gift cards, candy for days, and don't forget the mugs and cups! I have also been the teacher with home made cards, necklaces from my tiny kiddo's jewelry box, hand picked just for me that morning, and I have gotten a snack bar straight out of the pantry. Three key things to remember when your desk is empty...

1. Your gifts do not define you!

What I really want to say to you is that the amount of gifts you receive, in no way measure you as a teacher. Your gifts do not define you as a teacher. Just because you get mounds of gifts, does not make you an excellent teacher and because you get none does not mean you are a bad one either. This isn't a competition as to who gets the most gifts. Yes it is nice, but when we have truly effected a child's life, not just "earned" a bunch of gifts from parent's who approve of us, that is when we have received the best gift of all.

2. The people who truly appreciate you are in your classroom.

What do gifts from parents mean if it is not the student who appreciates you? The ones who truly love and appreciate you, are sitting right in front of you. Your appreciation might come in the form of a hug or a thank you, but to me that is better than any cup of coffee or lotion, because it comes from the heart. Those tiny humans understand how you have made them feel and how much you love them and they are the only ones you need appreciation from.

3. The Little Gifts Are The Best Gifts

Any parent can go out and get you something because well let's face it, that is what they are "supposed" to do. Some parents monetarily cannot do this. The true moments come from those kids who think of you enough to go home and think of you and then with no prompting, come back the next day with something of their very OWN to give you. No parent can give you that beautiful gift.

So I say again, the gifts that you receive are not the evidence of the teacher you have been. It is evidence of the parents you have. I appreciate every single gift parents take their time to go get me and yes it is nice, but the best gifts I have ever gotten are the ones straight from my student's hearts and that is the biggest gift of all.

Thank you teachers. Thank you for what you do every day for your students and all the teachers out there! I know I would not be the teacher I am without all of the amazing teachers who footsteps I follow in! You all deserve the world!

Meet the Teacher

I'm a coffee drinking, football loving, Starbucks obsessed 2nd grade teacher! I have an amazing husband and a beautiful daughter! I am so excited you are joining me on my fun, crazy ride as a teacher!

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