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10 Things Teachers MUST do Over Spring Break!

Lalalalala! Spring break has arrived! Other than Christmas break, this has to be my favorite break for two reasons.

1. It means school is almost over!

2. It means school is almost over!

Here are my top 10 things teachers MUST do over spring break!!


Uh hello.. no brainer! Catch up on some much needed sleep!

2. Drink

Remember all those days you went home and thought "Gosh I could really use a drink right now"! Well here's your chance! Get your favorite drink, put your feet up, and enjoy yourself...don't enjoy yourself too much...if you know what I mean.

3. Stay in your pjs all day

I do not recommend this every day of spring break. You will need to leave the house at some point. Chose one day to stay in your pjs all day! There is something so liberating about being your pjs all day! (maybe it's just the fact that I get to be lazy)

4. Read a book or catch up on a podcast

While you are in your pjs, why don't you read a good book! Since the end of school is approaching, now is the time of year I need some encouragement and to be quite honest I need a fire lite under my behind! This is my favorite time of year to find a new teaching book to read. Since I have read through all the Ron Clark books, its time to find some new and interesting books. Reading a book about teaching gets me ready for the end of the year and also gets me thinking about the next year! If you don't read, catch up on or start a new podcast!

5. Get outside

With spring break comes beautiful weather! Get yourself outside! Get that vitamin C! If you have kiddos, get them out too! By this time of the year, I have most likely fallen off my exercise routine. I use this week to get back into a good running routine. It is easy because we are not at school!

6. Do something with family or friends

The end of the year brings lots of stress and not a lot of time. Pick a day to do something new or different with family and friends! Go grab a drink, a coffee, or lunch. Go on a picnic or go to a movie. Catch up with all those people in your life who get pushed aside (not purposely) during the busy school year.

7. Plan engagement

At some point you will have to think about school. Use this time to plan some super engaging activities. Let's face it, for the students, school is over. By planing engaging activities, the behavior issues will stay under control and you will keep your sanity.

8. Parent Conference planning

I use this time to get parent-teacher conference materials in order. I fill out the student snap shots so that when school begins again, I am fully ready for all my conferences, which is a big load off!

9. Catch up!

This is a great week to catch up on all those little things that pile up on as teachers! LIKE GRADING! I like to go outside or to the park and catch up on my grading, that way I have a fresh new start when we get back from the break.

10. Breathe

Spring break means one thing...the end is near. Whether you have had a fantastic year or not so fantastic year, it is almost over so breathe! You made it! Use this time to reflect on your year and remember, its not to late to make some changes! Make the most of the weeks to come!

Meet the Teacher

I'm a coffee drinking, football loving, Starbucks obsessed 2nd grade teacher! I have an amazing husband and a beautiful daughter! I am so excited you are joining me on my fun, crazy ride as a teacher!

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